Date(s) - Friday 03/25/2022
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Pickleball Courts
Per Dale Schultz 2/26/22
Mark your calendars and sign up at the courts starting this evening, for the first trial of the King of the Courts”! The first one will be Thursday, March 3rd at 4:00pm. This is limited to the first 24 players that sign up, since we can only reserve 6 courts, but there is often a need for a couple alternates if someone doesn’t show up. This is a fun method of testing your skills and learning perhaps from more advanced players in a game setting. The Rodrigues’s bring this tool with them and they will explain all about how it works, when we arrive at the courts! This is a free event and open to everyone that wants to play Pickleball. If you’ve wondered how can I get better or how can I get a chance to play with more advanced players, this is how you do that!