
Date(s) - Monday 03/22/2021
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Craft Room



Bunco Covid Guidelines


·        Only owners, registered rental guests, and overnight registered guests will be allowed to play Bunco. No “out of resort” people or daily visitors may play Bunco.

·        Players must wear masks at all times.

·        Players must bring and use their own dice. Disposable score sheets will be provided.

·        Players may bring snacks but may not share any food with others.

·        If anyone has or has had any COVID symptoms within the past 14 days, they should not play and should leave the Clubhouse Complex.

·        Attendance will be limited to 20 which will allow for social distancing of at least 6 feet.

·        Each playing area will consist of two tables placed together lengthwise; four people will be seated at the corners of each playing area.

·        A hand sanitizing station will be available at the entrance.

·        All surfaces that are touched frequently should be wiped down with a sanitizer cloth after Bunco ends.

·        Players should not congregate in the Craft Room after Bunco is over.



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